After getting off to a great start on July's Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I have fallen behind. My trip to Tangier Island cut into my writing time, but I've also had trouble getting back into it since I've returned. So many things have gotten in the way!

I'm not terribly far behind, but I'm certainly not on track, either. It's July 18, so I should be more than halfway through to my goal of 20,000 words written for the month. I am definitely not halfway through. My current tally is 9,480 words. That means I have to increase my daily writing goal. I'd been writing at least 645 words a day. Now it has to be 810 words a day, in order to reach 20,000 by the end of the month.

That shouldn't be too hard. In fact, I've exceeded 645 every day that I've written, sometimes by a lot. The problem is those days when I have not written.

I need to pick up the pace.