Is it still okay to admit you're a Baby Boomer? Well, at least we have a national holiday. Not the kind that gives us a day off - but I found a flyer announcing Baby Boomer Recognition Day August 17, 2021.

Boomer used to be a cool term, but I guess times change. I've heard it's used sarcastically by some these days. . . but we won't go there today.

Baby Boomer birth years

I truly am on the low end of the scale - The Baby Boomer birth years seem to be 1946-1964. The flyer's information says we make up 21% of the world's population.

What created the baby boom?

An economic boom and desire for normalcy after WWII is credited with creating so many of us. Early Boomers were summer of lovers, made up much of the population of Woodstock's Days of Peace and Music (I was less than 10 then). Vietnam claimed some of us.

Rock and Roll, TV shows and protests for peace

We younger Boomers were the first generation to always have Rock and Roll and television. Confident, independent and self-reliant, according to this flyer, we were raised in an era of reform - which affected some of us more than others. We grew up thinking we could change the world.

Talkin' 'bout our generation

We were boomers first, then hippies, then yuppies, now most of us are seniors. (I'm honestly not quite there yet. Many of us are retired - maybe someday, though I'll never stop writing, I don't believe.

What's the post office got to do with it?

The trivia on this paper flyer has nothing to do with Boomers, but it says a hot air balloon carried mail for the first time in 1859. John Wise left Lafayette, Indiana for New York City with 100 letters but was forced to land after 27 miles.

I think that's what they've been using this past year, don't you? It's never been slower or less reliable. What's the world coming to? - yes, it's a cliche of elders, but it's much more true than when our parents said it.

Waiting for the dawning of the Age of . . .

I'm proud to be a Boomer, and an Aquarius. I try to be hip (did that phrase date me?) but I'm living in a world I don't understand. I do my best to combine what was great from the mid-20th century with today's trends. I think it's a great combination - like vintage clothes combined in new ways or household items repurposed for decorative pieces today.

Old-school living for the New Millennium . . .

But I do have a lot to say about how we could make things better putting our phones down and looking around. Or making certain we report to work and do our jobs right. On the other hand, employers should recognize employees that do so, offering pay raises and promotions from within.

Celebrate with 20th century treats or just remember the generation that created personal expression

Time to get off my soapbox and get this posted before the big day begins. What kind of cake should we have to celebrate? How about German chocolate, coconut, pineapple upside down . . . one of those classics from the past century. Or maybe just a jello mold would be easier.

However you celebrate, whether you're a fellow Baby Boomer or a member of another generation who appreciates us, nevertheless, have a great summer day on August 17 as you reminisce then . . . in the spirit of the '60s and '70s start planning to make the world a better place.