It was a philosopher who in an attempt to establish the existing of a man postulated and I quote"to be is to be perceived".

Perception doesn't always represent reality and in most cases the true picture of someone's reality.

The above postulation doesn't only imply reducing the whole human existence to a sensory feeling,but places the thought of some individuals who fall in this school of thought to make judgement of what they feel about someone on mere feelings than reality.

Like a golden fish,Hon Nkom Etuk gasp's into the political scene of CRS and have since then remained golden.

I can not at this point sweep under the the carpet the curiosity of our brothers and friends,who are perhaps on the other side or whose perception have been wrongly corrupted to think otherwise or rather perceived the personality of the transforming chairman of Etung LGA from the nagative end of this his golden gratification.

I can tell us for Free,that a close look at the personality of the dual carriage capacity,humble, visible, pragmatic, proactive,responsive,responsible, timely,dogged,able,commendable leader of the good people of Etung LGA,Hon John Nkom Etuk revealed nothing else but a leader with impecable character, great sense of responsibility and as such, his integrity, credibility and quality representation is not in doubt anyday anytime.

He is a good man with a golden heart for his people with or without politics.

I have kindly read about politicians and politics,I have equally felt the impact of one or two or more politicians,whether good or bad, therefore, I make bold to say, that Hon John Nkom Etuk is one leader who doesn't play politics with everything and that's the Democratic spirit of a true leader.

No genuine leader is without heated tracks and the "chief of light one of Etung" is not an exception.

This truism is evidential with his mega achievements within his stay so far in office even with relatively small resources.

When a man makes a mark the law of nature knows how to commence him. And so, we must continue to pray for our leaders and in particular Hon John Nkom Etuk.

A good leader is a good leader no matter his stringest nature when it's come to administration and impacting humanity positively.

We must therefore, continue to see that the projects of government are collective and not just enlarging the gap between us and government.

Sincerely we are the government and We must rise to add value to our Local system by giving weight to the flaming policies of the transforming leader of Etung LGA,Ntufam hon comr John Nkom Etuk and by extension all other leaders across the globe.

To be continued in part as we X-ray his character and the characteristics of a good leader.

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