One of the most important things you can do as a dog owner is to take your dog out for walks on a regular basis. Not only will walking benefit your dog's physical health, but it can also be an excellent way to bond with your pet and exercise yourself at the same time. Plus, walking helps to keep your pet safe and keep their energy in check when you're not home to play or feed them during the day. Here are the benefits of walking your dog.
What Are the Health Benefits?
Burns Calories
The number one benefit of walking your dog is that it burns calories. A small dog weighing eight pounds will burn approximately 150 calories in an hour's walk, while larger dogs can burn between 250 and 300. If you walk for 30 minutes, five days per week at three miles per hour, you will burn around 1,500 calories per month. You don't have to just let your dog wander—you can increase calorie burning by putting some effort into it!
Keeps Body Fit
Exercise is extremely important for health and well-being. One way to stay in shape is to keep a dog. Dogs don't care if you gain weight or hit your 30s with bad knees, they will still love you unconditionally and try to eat anything that resembles food. A canine companion can make life more exciting, even going as far as to wake you up early for their own walks so you can get some exercise into your day.
Improves Heart Function
Not only does regular walking benefit your dog's health and prevent disease, but also it can lower your risk for heart disease. Researchers believe there is a connection between pet ownership and lower rates of coronary artery disease and stroke in humans. Part of these benefits is credited to daily exercise such as walking for both you and your pup.
Strengthens Bones
Since your dog is walking you around, you're likely to build up some muscle strength. Like humans, dogs can get osteoporosis, which can lead to bone fractures if they aren't careful. As dog is generally smaller than people, their bones are thinner and more brittle. Exercising them on walks will help strengthen their bones and prevent dangerous breaks later in life. It's also good for their joints!
Increase Brain Function
A study suggests walking a dog helps increase blood flow to an area of your brain called the caudate nucleus. This region of your brain is associated with positive emotions and rewards, making dog-walking fun and enjoyable. Increased activity in these regions is also linked to improving memory and problem-solving skills, so there's plenty of evidence to suggest dog ownership may help keep your brain sharp as you age.
Stops Depression
Dogs have been known to help alleviate depression because they promote physical activity and interaction. In addition, dogs provide companionship. Studies have shown that people with pets have lower blood pressure and are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
Engages Social Groups
Humans are social creatures, so it only makes sense that you should get your dog socialized with other dogs and humans early in his life. Exposing your dog to different environments and people will make him more comfortable around them as he grows older. This helps combat the many issues associated with dogs, including aggression, anxiety and over-protectiveness.

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