The road to recovery, after a big surgery, is rarely a straight one. Bucky is no exception. He was doing fabulously the first 4 or 5 days of recovery. The tendons in his leg were stretching back out and nearly reached the ground. He wasn't putting any weight on his back leg, but it would touch the ground a bit. And then, by Wednesday, it was all swollen again and back up close to his abdomen.

For a couple days he was a very quiet dog, which isn't like him. He howls and has a lot to say when he's happy. For a couple days he had little or nothing to say, and he wasn't even that interested in leaving his crate. Back to the surgeon on Friday to check him out, and we all breathed a big sigh of relief (the surgeon most of all!) to find that he hadn't dislodged any pins or wires. That would have been a huge deal, and another surgery on the leg, one that may or may not have worked.

The surgeon isn't sure why his leg swelled up, but she switched him to a different antibiotic to ward off any infection. (There weren't any outward signs of infection, but you never know.) And he got a cold laser treatment while there, which really seemed to help. About 5-6 hours later his leg was about halfway back to the ground. He meets with his PT team this Wednesday and I hope and expect that cold laser therapy is going to be a regular thing for him for a bit.

Over the weekend we have been letting him out of the crate on a leash or tether, trying to get him to be a little more active but not jumping or running and such. I'm just thinking that some movement, on flat ground, is good for the body in general and definitely good for his spirits. He is back to howling and protesting his crate, and that's absolutely fine with me. His leg is just a couple inches from the ground now, though there is still some swelling. I'm hoping it continues to improve. The surgeon wants an update on Monday so we'll see what she says then.

In the meantime, Bucky has learned to wait for his meals!! He sits and waits for me to put his dish down and release him. He's a smart dog, and should be very easy to train as he continues to recover.

PT assessment Wednesday, and sutures out next Saturday, and we will just keep on walking the recovery road, hopefully without too many twists and turns.

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