Now that I ma getting back into my fitness, I have decided to start drinking protein again. I used to drink it a lot when I was working out 5-6 days a week and found that I recovered a lot quicker than if I went without. I am now getting to the point where DOMs are starting to kick in more regularly (as I up my cardio distance and time, as well my weight lifting numbers) and these protein shakes have actually helped so much with the soreness.

I have always found vegan protein to be quite hit and miss. They either don't taste of anything or they are really high in sugar in order to taste of something. They also always seem to mix terribly - no matter how hard I shake the bottle or how much water I use, they always end up with this gritty powdery texture while drinking. Over the years I simply learnt to accept that this is what vegan protein is like and made my peace with this.

My partner (who has far more years experience with the gym and protein) always raved about the non-vegan PHD range. I had a look at some of their macros and was too impressed. They also had two vegan options to try so I decided to just give it a go. Worst case, they would be like every other vegan protein I have tried. Best case, it would become my staple.

Best case worked out! This stuff is lovely! It mixes like an absolute dream too. It does take a fair bit of mixing (be prepared for sore arms if mixing by hand) but it will end up smooth and velvety - no gritty texture or powdery taste at all. It also tastes like what it says it is meant to taste like: The Eton Mess did taste like strawberries and cream and was a really nice after dinner drink to satisfy any sugar cravings I may have had.

There are also instructions on the packet to make a protein mousse. You simply mix the powder with some milk and it eventually whips up into a light mousse you can enjoy as a snack or a dessert. I didn't try making this (as I would rather just drink my protein) but now that I know how this protein mixes, I think I may finally give it a go. Just to see really.

I have also tried the chocolate cookies flavour and personally I preferred that one over the Eton Mess. Purely because I have a proper weakness for anything chocolate flavoured. But I was very pleasantly surprised by this range and I definitely will be buying this on a regular basis.

Downside is they don't seem to do packets bigger than 500g, which for me lasts just under 2 weeks (roughly 4-5 shakes a week). The packets costs £12, so for that price it is actually quite good value for money. But ideally, if it something you will be drinking every day, it would obviously be more beneficial to buy a bulk bag size of it all to just keep in stock. There is nothing more disappointing than having a really hard gym session to come home and realise that you only have enough left in the packet to make half a scoop. Granted it's better than nothing but sometimes you can just tell when you are going to hurt in the morning.

Overall: 8/10. Chocolate flavour is preferred, and a bigger bag would be ideal. But definitely a top runner for protein!

T xxx