Reblogged from Right Steps & Poui Trees:

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The early narrative about SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 offered us some comfort at the time; at least it didn't seem to affect children as much and we were thankful. As the pandemic continued, we saw that though children were infected at lower rates than adults and if infected generally had milder symptoms, it was clear that some children who caught the disease could have severe enough symptoms to be hospitalised and some children died.

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Fellow blogger Susan Goffe has been following COVID-19 issues very closely. We have started talking about children, and back-to-school, recently. Coincidentally, we are expecting the first tranche of a shipment of Pfizer vaccine next week, for which the Ministry of Health and Wellness will prioritize children over 12 years old. Susan has lots of questions, and I hope they will all be answered!