A journal is a way to express your feelings, relive memories, or write out detail plans. Whether you use an inexpensive spiral notebook or a leather-bound journal, putting your most inner thoughts on paper is the main goal. Do you need an incentive to get you started? Check out the following list of journal prompts for August.

  1. How was July for you, your family, your work, or your community? List at least 5 high and low points.
  2. What to you hope to accomplish in August?
  3. If you could be any type of animal (wild or domestic), what would you pick Why?
  4. If given the chance, what advice would you give to today's youth? Why is this important to you?
  5. What is your personal guilty pleasure?
  6. Describe yourself in 3-5 words. Why did you pick these words?
  7. Use 3-5 words to describe yourself for another person's point of view. Are they the same as you last entry? Why or why not?
  8. Do you believe you have changed since the beginning of the pandemic? Why?
  9. Describe your biggest weaknesses and strengths. Go into detail.
  10. What are your core values?
  11. How do you define success? What is your biggest success story from the last 6 months? Year? 5 years? Lifetime?
  12. What do you want your next success story to be? What steps are you taking to achieve this goal?
  13. Free write for 10 minutes. Remember to time yourself.
  14. What is on the top of your to-do list before summer ends?
  15. How do you currently feel about your physical health, mental health, and spiritual well-being? What are do you need to work on the most?
  16. What went as planned today?
  17. What hobbies would you like to learn? What is keeping you from trying this activity?
  18. What would you do if you won a large sum of money?
  19. Write a mantra for your life?
  20. Do you believe you have a "calling"? What is it? Why do you think this is right for you?
  21. Look at your phone. Pick your 7th image. Write about the photo. Use detail.
  22. Write about your relationship status. Is this where you want to be? Why or why not?
  23. What motivates you?
  24. What is your to-go place to recharge from the daily grind? Why is this place important to you?
  25. Ask yourself, "What steps do I need to take to be kinder to myself?" Make a list.
  26. What can you do to help in your local community to make the world a better place?
  27. Describe your day from the point of view of a stranger.
  28. What adventure would you like to go on? (Yes, you can use a fictional place.)
  29. What negative areas in your life do you need to re-prioritize?
  30. What are your goals for the rest of the year? Why are they important?
  31. Writer's Choice