
We recently took in a rabbit to foster for Space Coast Bunnies. She's young, we think about 6 months, and very spirited. We're calling her Rosie, but we also call her Rocket: because she's so fast, Ru-Ru: because she hops like a kangaroo, and Crazy Girl: because she's just got so much energy! She's got gorgeous golden coloring and has sleek coat. Her ears and tail are a bit big for her body, so I think she's got a lot more growing to do. She may be a Palomino breed, and those are often 8-10 pounds. She may be as big as my Piper!

My own rabbits aren't too bothered by her presence. Piper keeps trying to look past the gate barrier to look down the hallway at her. They saw each other once and were a little startled, but otherwise they don't seem too concerned. I know females are territorial so I wasn't sure how my Piper would react to a new unspayed female coming into her house. I guess as long as she still gets fed on time, she doesn't care who or what else is in the house!

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