Good evening folks! How are we all doing tonight?

After work I ended up having a bit of a busy afternoon with some errands that needed to be ran that I wasn't expecting today. They're done and dusted and out of the way now though. It did mean I didn't get any writing done. By the time they were done, combined with the early start and the lack of sleep that early starts treat me too, I'm wiped out.

Tomorrow I want to edit Sweet Danny. I'm pretty sure I know what changes I want to make with it to get it where it needs to be.

I would love to get some words in as well, but I'm kind of on a position where I've got more editing to do. Not the kind where I'm editing the same story a billion times, but short stories that I've written over the last few months that need a little tidying up before I shoot them off to beta readers.

Right, I'm going to try and sleep. Wish me luck!

Raven 'helping' yesterday! 🤣

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