I am on a mission to keep animals out of my food, medicine, clothing, non-food products, science, engineering, art, architecture, entertainment…

I do not have to debate the mission.

I already know where I stand.

Using thought, word and deed I transmit my mission to all beings.

Maybe the world doesn't want an ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE.

Maybe the world doesn't want a better life through the application of THE FIVE PRINCIPLES.

When the animals are no longer considered slaughter-worthy and/or the world moves on to new exploits, the world will turn exclusively to plants.

When it does, I will have already spent decades developing a world class MAINSTREAM ANIMAL-FREE CUISINE that has already been shared around the world!

And when that happens, the world will want to match it WITH a plan for a better more peaceful and cooperative future for all. And I will already have spent decades preparing for that through my own application of THE FIVE PRINCIPLES TO A BETTER LIFE in my own life, which has also been shared around the world – year after year after year. As a result, I know how it works and understand the pitfalls.

Although my focus has been on animal rights, throughout my career I knew the shortest way to my goals was to keep the human animal relevant at all stages of engagement, so I intertwined all animals including the human animal into one lifelong project.

That was quite a job and the highest mountain any human ever climbed alone and succeeded!

So why do it for free?

To keep my work corruption-free. When someone pays a salary, they dictate the terms, meaning what and how and when I write, and the type of recipes I develop, and the suggestions I give in all areas of surviving and thriving for all life.

In addition, I chose not to put my name on other people's words who work behind the scenes as contributors.

I take credit and responsibility for all of my art – from writing to cooking to painting to activism. That's who I am and how I prefer to fly.

If and when donations come in they will improve the quality of my life, not my work.

Although through the lengthy and arduous developmental stages of development I worked alone, I don't anticipate that being the case for much longer.

THE AFC BLUEPRINT is absolutely inclusive. The worst, best and all the rest of humanity are welcome to the table.

Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, at your service

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