Since the pandemic began we've made regular adjustments to how we run Sunday meetings, and this will continue in the months ahead. Remember, we only restarted 9am and 11am meetings with kids work eight weeks ago. As it stands we're still on a journey towards a new normal, so this September we'll be taking some more steps towards that with some small adjustments as follows:

  • From this Sunday (19th Sept) we'll still meet at 9am and 11am, but we'll now be aiming for meetings that are 1hr 15 mins in length (which is pretty much what they've actually been all along 😃
  • We may begin to reduce the size of the socially distanced seating area since less people want to use it for this purpose. We will ensure there is enough space there for all those who feel the need for it
  • Children will continue to be in for the worship time and then go out to their groups, but their groups will now run until 10.30am for the first meeting and 12.30pm for the second meeting. This will give us 15 minutes that we can use for prayer ministry, for catching up with one another and for people to have tea/coffee together before collecting children
  • From Sunday 26th September we will reintroduce tea/coffee after each meeting
  • We will also reintroduce communion regularly on a Sunday, and begin to make space to pray for people in person too

Because we're being warned that the pandemic is 'far from over' and that some restrictions might be reintroduced, we'll continue to broadcast the 9am livestream for now (although we do encourage everyone who can attend in person to do so). We'll also be ready to make further changes as needed, in line with official guidance for churches.

It goes without saying that we should all be careful and vigilant. If you have symptoms of Covid or have tested positive for Covid in the last ten days (with or without symptoms) you should not attend in person; this is not going to be a winter to 'push through that cold and keep going'!

As we make changes let's remember that we are a charismatic church; we should expect to encounter God's presence and for people to use spiritual gifts; we want the genuine presence and power of God to be experienced by us all. With this in mind, although worship times are still a little shorter, let's expect some God focused, encouraging contributions to help us in our worship. All we ask is that you come forward and use the microphone so everyone, including the livestream, can hear you.

I'm looking forward to an exciting autumn as we continue our new preaching series, I'm looking forward to meeting with my church family, I'm looking forward to encountering God's presence and I'm even hopeful that we might get to celebrate Christmas together this year too.