Red-Eared Slider - Trachemys scripta elegans Breed Hypoallergenic, Health  and Life Span | PetMD

When turtles begin to have a green and brown slug coating in their shells, their owners can then remove it using a soft toothbrush and non-medicated soap. Or they can use a diluted iodine solution, which is available in most pharmacies. The iodine solution should be similar to the appearance of a weak tea before you apply it to your pet.

If any discolored shells do not come off, a reptile-savvy vet should check this condition.

How can pet owners know whether their snake is ill? They look for signs in their pet. A sick snake will show symptoms depending on its illness. There are common signs that they show according to their sickness. It may not be easy to tell at first glance because the snake cannot tell how it feels. But by careful observation, the owner will be able to assist the pet with whatever is ailing it.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, call your pet hospital Crown Point, IN. Schedule an appointment today!

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