Yesterday was Linden's birthday, and I signed into a ZOOM chat with Susan, Linden and Laine. I was trying not to cry with the emotion, and I looked like I hadn't slept in a week.

I was "getting over myself" and 💯 enjoying Linden, when 💥 boom 💥 the power went out. I could still send a text message, but there was no video chat to be had.

What are the odds?? We don't see our youngest granddaughter or hear her voice for months at a time. I still feel like crying, but what can we do? 🤷‍♀️ Can't even jump on a plane to remedy the situation.

Discouraged, I went back to digging potatoes and weighed out the "Facebook" requests. There were almost enough to supply everyone with the number of pounds they wanted, plus a few 🤏 left to keep Mr. Schwartz from worrying about a fresh or baked potato shortage.


After yesterday's power outage, I could not get this blog site to work. I "rebooted", erased stale pages, reloaded photos, and nothing worked. Nothing worked that is, until I removed the WordPress application altogether and reinstalled it. That seemed to do the trick. The real magic was that I remembered my password in order to sign back in.

Not sure the WordPress site is working yet. I will try to launch this post asap and proof/fix later, if it is even online. Of course, you won't know this if it still refuses to load. 😕

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