I'm typing this, starting the post, on Wednesday. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Wednesday was another stellar day.

Buffy came for grooming. Her owners felt she was "shaggier" than usual, but I had no trouble. She is even getting better for toenails!

When Buffy arrived in the morning (Wednesday), she must have been alarmed. The vehicles were three or four deep in the driveway! Actually, even I was almost alarmed, but Buffy's owner said she didn't even seem nervous. Buffy is prone to seizures so it's a concern. 🐾💕🐾

This high traffic situation lasted only a few minutes. Chessie was going home, Dooley was arriving, Minna also, and then Buffy for her spa date. Already Hunter and Birdie had come for the day. Loco, our own little parrot, was shrieking with delight at the extra excitement. Blue was barking excitedly at everything.

Then … calm prevailed. No vehicles collided in the yard, and dogs and bird were quiet. I like the quiet. 😉


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