Yesterday ended up hectic in the morning, but slowed to 💯 manageable by 1 pm..

Sammy came for grooming. She is a kind dog, trusting of me, but so fidgety that I felt worn out in the hour I needed for her shampoo, blow dry and brush. Sammy would bite for nails if I gave her the chance, but I was quick and she only managed a dirty look at the nail clippers. No muzzle.

Then I was asked politely if two tiny boarding dogs could be picked up a day early. I had been asked to groom them, so I bargained for a few extra hours today so that Chloe and Theo could be ready.

The two small dogs must have been comparing notes on how to challenge me. They were so ridiculous silly that I was exhausted and a bit frustrated. I don't punish them. Even if I scold them, they dance about even more, pulling their feet away, whirling around and in Chloe's case, trying to bite. I got the job done barely passably.

While they boarded, these two "littles" looked at the rainy weather outside their open dog door and decided, "To hell with this, we're gonna poop inside now, every time." 🤷‍♀️ I feel like I earned my fees. Feces fees. Ugh 💩 💩💩

Early Monday morning, I voted in our Federal election. Then I picked up coffee at the "Beanery" in town. I wanted to report to the proprietor Donna that I had been unable to catch her late brother Jim's cat.

She informed me, very kindly, that the cat had always been feral, had "never" been handled by Jim and Amy. Donna also averred that she would not be interested in adopting said cat.

Belle doesn't want to be saved, and I'm lucky I didn't capture her and incur some horrid infection/injury. Cat bites and scratches can be very serious. "I'm out!" as they say on Dragon's Den … or shall I declare, "You're FIRED!" as Trump would say. 😂

We have a similar expression, Minna and I.
Instantpot goulash with garlic bread. 😋 Not keto; and I ate too much!
An old photo randomly showed up in "recent" Photos! Our sweetheart in her younger day.

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