Once you have learned that you are allergic to dogs, the most straightforward approach to avoiding allergy triggers is to stay away from them. Adopting or buying a dog will probably not be an option. But if there is already a dog in your household, you can take anti-allergy medications if you cannot give your pet away to a new home or owner. If you are still planning to get a dog despite your allergies, you should pick a breed that won't trigger your allergies severely.
Reducing your exposure to known allergens can lessen your symptoms. You can also choose to cord off your sleeping area and other areas in your home you frequently go to to keep off your dog away. Unfortunately, allergens can still circulate within these areas, and dog hairs can still stick to furniture and clothing but will be minimized compared to when your dog roams the entire house freely.
Frequent allergy flare-ups must be brought to the attention of your veterinary clinic Virginia Beach VA.
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