First of all, I missed Carly's Gotcha Day yesterday. She's been with us a year now, and has made a lot of good progress. She's always been a nice dog, but her barking problem was something else when she arrived with us. As my favorite trainer said about her: "Carly needs to learn a new communication system!"
She's much better than she used to be, and probably could improve a little more, but mostly she's okay. We've learned to respond to her needs quickly when they are legit, and she's learning that she doesn't get to issue orders all day long! Because I'm getting low on foster kitties, and won't be taking more in until I am positive that they won't get panleuk (which will probably be six months) I'm going to be working with the dogs in the next few months, and I have a list of things I want to help Carly learn. I'm meeting with my favorite dog trainer this Saturday to get some tips on training in a multi-dog household, and some things I want to teach Carly and Ace, mostly, but probably a little Gracie stuff too. I have my lists ready!
In the meantime, happy belated Gotcha Day Carly.
In foster news, Boots's eye is much improved, thankfully. He got neutered this week, and the vet looked at his eye while he was under and she's very pleased with the progress. There's just a touch of pink still in the left eye, so a few more days of drops and the dreaded cone, but hopefully he'll be free of all of it come the weekend.
Just a reminder of what his eye looked like a week and a half ago:
And now:
The biggest adventure today has to do with Lila. She was the kitten found in a dumpster by garbage collectors, and she seemed okay when she came in to me, but got very, very sick for awhile, and I wasn't convinced she was going to survive. She did, however, and got her spay surgery today, and surprised the surgeon. I usually hear from one of the techs when the kittens are done with surgery and they let me know when I can come collect them, but the surgeon called me today. Turns out that Lila's ovary was adhered to her intestines and the wall of her body, something none of the vets had seen before. It took a bit of work to loosen the adhesions, remove the ovaries/uterus and put everything back where it belongs.
The vet's comments on the release paperwork: "I'm not sure exactly what caused this. A perforation of her bowel certainly may have done that and maybe that is what made her so very sick in the beginning and it is miracle that she survived if that is the case." But everything is back where it belongs, and Lila has some healing to do after an extensive surgery today. She's stuck in one of the ferret cages so she can't move around too much, and has a surgery suit on to keep her from bothering her incision. For the first five hours home she really didn't leave her bed or eat, but she's starting to move around a bit, and eat a little. Pain meds help. That poor little kitten has had a rough time so far. Let's hope things get better from here on in.

So all five kittens had their surgeries this week, and two go home together on Sunday (Pearl and Spot, the two long-haired kittens who survived the Panleuk.) I had a roomful of 13 kittens in the middle of the summer and thankfully they were all healthy, but this little group has had quite a few challenges. Hopefully that's all behind them and things get a lot better from here. Paws crossed.
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