[New post] Power Rangers With A Different Approach
Organikos posted: " We thank Muktita Suhartono for the story and Ulet Ifansasti for the photographs: Female Rangers 'Don't Go All Alpha Like the Men' to Protect a Forest Rather than take a confrontational approach with trespassers looking to farm or log in a tropica" Organikos
Rather than take a confrontational approach with trespassers looking to farm or log in a tropical rainforest in Indonesia, teams of women rangers try dialogue first.
Riding her motorbike while balancing a backpack, a wok and a sharp cleaver, Asmia expertly maneuvered her way up a dangerous cliffside: a three-mile trip along a precipitous dirt path, barely 40 inches wide, to reach the mouth of the forest.
Asmia is one of the 15 members of a team of rangers — 10 of whom are women — whose job is to protect their village forest in Aceh Province in Indonesia from the squatters who want to clear the trees for timber or to farm the fertile soil.
"Here, we once fought with a squatter, asking him to stop the encroachment," Asmia said, pointing as she walked beneath the thick canopy of trees that shadow her rounds. "He insisted on clearing the land, as he wanted to grow coffee. He was persistent. But we talked him out of it."
Dressed in headscarves, green uniforms and rubber boots, Asmia and the other female rangers on the team ventured deeper into the tropical rain forest they are charged with guarding, part of the Leuser ecosystem on the island of Sumatra.
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