twasbrillig12 posted: " "Piper" "Cameron" All of the Kronenbuns may not have been perfect angels all year, cough Cameron cough, but they still all found a spot on Santa's "Nice List." The bunnies all enjoyed their gifts, and they even lasted three days this year before th" The Rabbit Rabble
All of the Kronenbuns may not have been perfect angels all year, cough Cameron cough, but they still all found a spot on Santa's "Nice List." The bunnies all enjoyed their gifts, and they even lasted three days this year before they ate them all. It would have been more like three hours, but I only let them have one at a time after unwrapping. My rabbits are notoriously hard to please when it comes to gift-giving, so it's always so satisfying when they actually enjoy a present. Thank you Oxbow Enriched Life- I mean Santa!
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