Dear Lola,
I have decided to forgo the annual resolution making and continue on with everything I have been doing so far. My friends and family said I need to make at least one resolution or goal for improvement, but I feel I am great as is. Is it wrong to think that resolutions are not necessary if you are content with how life is going?
No Resolution Rylie
Dear No Resolution Rylie,
As a general rule, canines do not believe in making resolutions merely because a new year is beginning. It makes no sense why someone would wait the year out before deciding their eating habits, exercise plans, or sleep cycles need to be shifted. Why would you wait 10 whole months for a calendar to prod you into action?!
All you end up with is wasted time spent being tired, fat, and out of shape.
At least, that's how it seems most humans view themselves based on the number of resolutions that deal with those three issues. However, canines do not view themselves under such a microscope. My species knows we were created to perfection. Whether we are fat, thin, sleepy or energetic, we know that humans are lucky to have us in their lives. It's a wonderful thing to know you are wonderful and be content to continue with your routine. Imagine the chaos if every canine demanded a new feeding routine each year.
That is a feline tendency and everyone knows they are not man's best friend!
You continue on with your no resolution lifestyle. You seem to like how last year turned out so I see no reason this year will be any different. If, at any time, you sense the year is taking a turn for the worse, make one of those resolutions and begin working on it immediately.
Especially if you are adding more naps or snacks to your routine.
Lola wants to hear from you. Send in your questions today by clicking the link in the menu at the top of the page. You can also reach Lola at any of my social media channels.
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