I promise I don't have a doughnut problem. Krispy Kreme is just doing so well with their vegan friendly doughnuts that it feels rude not to try them all. Now this one is not labelled as vegan, however I did do a scan of their allergens and ingredients pamphlet online and I didn't see anything that seemed non-vegan. This could be one of their 'accidentally vegan' doughnuts, the way the original glaze used to be accidentally vegan before they added the vegan certification to it. However if one of you has a look and notices some very obscure ingredient that is actually non-vegan, please do let me know!

As Veganuay is now over, the whole world seems to shift to the next big event of the year: Valentine's Day. I personally have never been one for Valentine's Day - to me it is just a mass consumerist holiday that was created to fill the gap between Christmas and Easter, and it holds no real value for me. I do however, love a new doughnut, so I had to give this a try as part of my weekly sweet treat. I also know that for many people Valenitne's Day is absolutely a big deal (and to a degree I totally get why so not judgment here!), and so I thought it would help to give you guys some options for presents if you do want something a bit different this year instead of the usual chocolates and flowers.
For starters this is your standard Krispy Kreme base doughnut. It is light and fluffy and a little bit sweet. Now this is a filled doughnut, which I am personally not a massive fan of. I find there is no dignified way to eat these types of doughnuts and always manage to make a bit of a mess of it. Although I was pleased to see that the filling in this doughnut seems to be far less than usual, and there was none of the usual messy oozing of filling with every bite that tends to happen with a filled doughnut.
The icing was sweet and, from what I could tell, isn't different flavours despite being different colours. The chocolate filling in the inside is almost like a whipped creme - it was very fluffy and light, and didn't have that sticky or sickly taste to it that some ganache fillings tend to have. It also wasn't overly sweet which I also think helps. Now of course a doughnut is bound to be sweet, and with the extra icing on top of this it is cetainly far sweeter than the more plain options, however I didn't find it sickly. However one would asolutely be enough for one person. I think if I did try to eat two of these doughnuts, then I probably would start to be a bit overwhelming with the sugar content.

As usual with Krispy Kreme, this doughnut was £3 on its own, but again if you buy a multipack it works out cheaper per doughnut. I still stand by the fact that Kripsy Kreme is really good value for money. You don't get a showstopping doughnut, but it is definitely a very nice treat to have every so often that won't break the bank like some other options out there might. I also feel like this is a perfectly acceptable price to try something new and not feel like you've wasted loads of money if you don't enjoy it.
Overall: 6/10. A good offering, but not the best option on the whole menu. Cute design though.
T xxx
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