The dogs don't get much attention on my blog, but Gracie turned 6 this week, and tomorrow (today when you read this) is Ace's Gotcha Day. We adopted him May 25, 2022.
Ace was a super fearful dog when he arrived. Afraid of hands, feet, any movement that startled him - and most movement did just that. I couldn't cross my legs without him running scared. Getting a leash on his collar and getting him outside had to be done slowly and carefully, and always exactly the same each time. He spent the first four months with us in his open crate with his stuffed hedgehog, coming out only here and there. We put him on Prozac to take the edge off enough to do behavioral work with him, and his vet - who is terrific with him - told me not to make getting him off Prozac one of my goals. He's still on a small dose and probably always will be, but he's made amazing progress in two years, and is a much happier dog these days. We owe a lot to the help of my favorite canine behavior consultant, who really helped us help Ace. Though it doesn't sound like a big deal, he got the zoomies for the first time a few months ago. He was actually comfortable enough to race around the house with abandon, and it warmed out hearts like nothing else. He now climbs up on the couch to sit next to me, or on top of me - as close as he can get- much to Gracie's distress sometimes! (She's a jealous little thing.) '
I'm so fortunate to have a great vet practice that works with me to help him. We pre-medicate him for visits, to take the edge of a little more. He needed a dental (he's six now, like Gracie. Rather than have him come in at 7, as is usual for surgeries, they let me know when they were ready for him, and they had me wait on a bench outside with him, since he's a bit dog reactive. And then brought the pre-anesthetic shot to us, and I held him while the tech quickly gave him the shot. There was a room open by that time, and we went in the back door right into the room so he didn't have to see other critters, and I sat with him until he fell asleep so they could get him right on the table. All very low stress for Ace. They put him in a big kennel where he wouldn't see other dogs while he woke up, and called me "as soon as he found his feet" to come get him. They really couldn't have been more accommodating for him; I'm lucky to have such a great practice.
He was a bit spaced when he got home, standing staring at the wall a while, and then he's been mostly sleeping it off.
He had five teeth extracted, and getting kibble soaked until it is soft isn't probably what he wants for his Gotcha Day breakfast, but he'll feel better soon.
Yesterday, May 23, was Gracie's sixth birthday, and she's just as charming as ever. Loves doing therapy dog visits, especially at the rehab hospital where she goes and lays on beds and gets pet - rough duty. She gets lots of invitations to spend the night, especially from the kids! She has much worse teeth than Ace, and had 16 out last year, and I suspect more to come this year...dentals three years in a row. ($$$$) But she doesn't have any heart issues so far, which are more than common in Cavaliers. Playing fetch is still one of her favorite activities, and I have to call it quits even when she doesn't want to when she can hardly breath anymore!
She's a very sweet, occasionally opinionated, dog, and she's my shadow. I can't hardly move in the house before she's wherever I am.
So, happy birthday Gracie, and happy Gotcha Day Ace. And just so Carly doesn't feel entirely left out, here's a picture of Carly with our cat, Hiro, who loves curling up with Carly.
Carly's a young 9-10 year old, still full of energy, and a bit of a barking machine, though she's better than she used to be.
And that's the dog update for now...kitties are all doing well, and I'll get some new photos and such up soon. Have a good weekend.
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