If I wanted to, I could hop on a plane and visit a couple of countries, but I haven't felt like it. Mostly because I can't take my dog. But were are here to write and dream so with that in mind, if I were to plan the ultimate trip and if I swor…
If I wanted to, I could hop on a plane and visit a couple of countries, but I haven't felt like it. Mostly because I can't take my dog. But were are here to write and dream so with that in mind, if I were to plan the ultimate trip and if I swore by the motto, ' go big or go home' for starters, I'd book a flight to-
To heck with the radiation, the danger, book me on a flight to Mars- it wouldn't matter if something happened to me out there. It would be a one way trip. I'd never want to leave.
I know what you are thinking and I am not being morbid or weird.
I've heard this theory that the first person to fly a spaceship to Mars has already been born ( at this moment or a few years ago- no one has really said ) In turn the first person to die on Mars falls into that group too, I suppose .
I only put that out there because we love to fly and sail and drive to our vacation destinations but there is always risk involved.
It shouldn't stop us from wanting to see the world or our friends or family, right?
From The Graphics Fairy
With that thought, this is where I would want to go next:
The Ba, dipicted as a hawk with a human head
If I could figure a way around the having to die and mummified, I would book an adventure through the ancient Egyptian afterlife.
You hop on a boat for this one.
On this trip you have to solve riddles, fight monsters, instead of campfire stories where you tell or hear stories, you ARE the story.
Your heart is popped out of your chest and put on a scale and if you weren't a jerk in this life it gets popped back in ( as opposed to eaten by Ammit ) and your journey continues where in the end you can hang out with Gods, planets, the stars or you can go to the Field of Reeds.
In fact you can be in all of those places at the same time. To heck with a multi-verse on this journey is less complicated and more fun because you it's you in these places. Not alternate versions of you.
This video explains how that is possible:
Ancient Egyptian afterlife – What was it like?
In case you want more details on how this trip works you can watch this video:
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A guidebook for the underworld
From The Graphics Fairy
Third on my list is a cupcake shop.
Photographer Unknown
After I moved to Toilet Town to be closer to my family ( God love'm they WANTED to live in this toilet. ) I moved away from great places like " Cupcake Royal."
With the way things are going now, I have a better chance of going to Mars or taking a journey to the Eygptian Afterlife then I do of visiting the Cupcake Royal. How incredibly sad is that?
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