This is a tidbit from Arnold Schwarzenegger's newsletter from a couple of months ago.
We all get stressed now and then.
It's inevitable.
Most of us figure out ways to deal with the stress in our lives.
But it can overwhelm us. And blossom into anxiety.
Most of the time, our stressors are things that are out of our control.
But you know what is in our control?
Being nice. Doing some thing kind for someone.
When you focus on someone else and help them feel good, you benefit too.
You get a dose of dopamine. And serotonin.
And those neurotransmitters can disrupt the stress you're feeling.
Being kind to others will boost your health and happiness.
You don't have to do something big.
Hold the door for someone.
Make some cookies.
Take a friend out for a meal.
Or invite them over for a meal.
It's up to you.
Do something kind that will make someone else feel great.
And you'll be healthier for having done it.
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