Sunday, 26 January 2025

Cross Fit for the Mind

The Hidden Cost of Familiarity

Cross Fit for the Mind

The Newsletter that Changes the Minds of High Performers

Plant Shelf

By now you should be aware of the area (s) of your life where returns have been diminishing for some time. Let's discuss why, other than small returns, doing more of the same is a problem.

Familiarity is the problem. Your brain f**ken loves it. Probably because it told your ancient ancestors where the food was and where the danger was back in the day. This means when you're busy, you will always revert to what is familiar and inevitably end up doing more of what you know.

This is a problem because you are doing what is immediately doable and not what is important to do. You are booking that next triathlon instead of having an honest conversation with your wife or doing your taxes, both of which have needed to be done forever. Both of which create a subconscious weight in the back of your brain for you to drag around.

Familiarity and the ease it affords can be a form of avoidance.

Secondly, all growth comes from tapping into the unknown, the less familiar and paradoxically the more frightening.

This is why doing your first triathlon created such a euphoric high. By exposing ourselves to a completely new situation, feeling the fear and doing it anyway, we created a physical change in our brain. In other words, our new experience has changed us, we are different and it only took a small effort mixed with a large dose of courage.

For a small effort in a new direction we gained a large pay-off.

For a massive effort in a familiar direction, we gain very little.

What are you not doing that you should be doing?


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