Good Morning Folks, how are you all doing? I've been up about fifteen minutes and am hoping a blog post will help me wake up a little quicker. Plus tea, tea is a gift from all the gods!

I am waking up a little easier now. I was going through a period where I was struggling to get up, I know this is a marker of mental health concerns, but the last few weeks I've been setting an alarm, generally for 8am and I'm finding that I'm waking up about 7:30am most mornings. It's a little different when I'm working an early as I have to be up at 4am for those, but I'm finding it easier to get up for those as well. I'm just not waking up thirty minutes beforehand!

Writing wise, I'm going to add a few more words to the short story I've been working on. I think it's taking shape nicely and although yesterday I was thinking I've nearly finished this draft I think I may be a little further off than I thought.

Last night I had a thought and realised that this story I'm kind of letting loose a little and I think there's an icky factor to it that I like, and I realised last night that is what I should be doing. Finding that element of boundary pushing. I'm a horror writer, the stories are meant to be uncomfortable.

It really got me thinking about the writing I've been doing lately and how I need to go down that more uncomfortable path. Art isn't just meant to be beautiful. It's allowed to make you think as well, it's allowed to trigger things that make you feel uncomfortable. So I'm going to try and embrace that.

Right, I've work in a bit and would like to get a little bit done or writing work done before leaving. I also need tea! and something to eat.

Rock on folks! It's the start of a new week, so lets all hit the ground running and make a difference.

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