As wildlife photographers we want to photograph all so of wildlife, as we are currently in Britain British wildlife is our main focus, so far we have ticked off different birds of prey, hares, badgers, kingfishers, a range of garden birds and more but there is still so many more species we want to photograph.

As a student studying in north wales I have the opportunity to photograph a wide range of wildlife, however due to the pandemic I have been unable to be in wales as much as I would have hoped. Anyway, because all my things were in north wales we took a trip up there to go collect it and I wanted to show my family one of my favourite places, Newbrough forest.

The thing with Newbrough is there is a beautiful beach which is met with the most beautiful pine forest and who lives in pine forests? If you guessed the illusive red squirrel you would be correct.

On this particular day we had walked along the beach and followed a path up through the forest. We had walked for quite a while at this point looking out for that flash of rusty red but we didn't see anything.

As we were nearing the car park and giving up hope that we would see this tiny illusive creature my dad stopped dead in his tracks and pointed at tree which to my delight had a small red-brown squirrel running up it.

I immediately took out my camera and started snapping away and I ended up watching the squirrel for about 20 minutes before my parents dragged me away so we could go find some dinner.

The squirrel I watched was gorgeous, he watched me closely as I watch him climbing up trees and running and jumping through branches. I kept my distance not getting to close so as not to stress the animal but he didn't seem to mind me watching him intently.

I have only seen a red squirrel once and that was before I was into photography. it was at brown sea island in Dorset, I was on a boat and the brave squirrel was scaling the cliff of the island. It was insane.

I am so glad I finally got to see a red squirrel, the best bit is it made Michael insanely jealous as he had to stay at home because he couldn't get the time off work. Hopefully in the future we can take a trip together and find some more of these beautiful creatures.

Thanks for reading and we hope you liked seeing our pictures of red squirrels,

Megan and Michael @M&MAnimalAdventures


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