Life does not stop during these strange times

Though the perspective is surely changing. With the world shifting each day, I am able to see more clearly those things which are truly important to living the life I want.

I am taking this time to reflect on the kind of life best lived for me (don't worry, pottery is of course in there) and personally, helping with healing is part of that best-lived-life.

In 2019

I was contemplating how I might integrate my own healing into my artistic process and how I might involve and possibly help others with their healing. After contemplating this for sometime, I came up with the concept for 'The Healing Vase'.

My concept is to allow the process of raku and the flames of the reduction process to act as a healing tonic for grief and pain, for myself, for our world, and for all who to choose to participate in this process collectively.

I would like to extend an invitation to you

Join the Healing Vase project for 2021.

I would love your participation in healing together. I welcome you to

Visit the project page and add your Wishes for Healing for the current year.

Thank you and I hope you are keeping safe and well in this time of increased difficulty.


The Alchemist

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