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Hi everyone, happy August! It honestly feels like this year has flown by, and I can't believe there's only a few months left. With restrictions having been lifted, I feel like it's time to get out and make the most of the remaining summer before it quickly turns back to winter again!

Today's post is the first instalment of my monthly advertising posts, which you can read all about here. I have some lovely bloggers with me today, so let me introduce you....

Life Of Morag

Morag's blog features a range of topics, mostly centred around Mental and Physical health, travel and politics. One thing I love about her blog is that she talks about a lot of current and relevant topics, such as lockdown, POC and anxiety. She has some brilliant blog posts that you should definitely have a read of:

Being single doesn't make you alone and being alone doesn't make you lonely. A look into some of the ups and downs of single life and how it can impact your mental well-being. Being single in your 20's absolutely does not make you any less of a person and Morag definitely highlights that in this post.

Mental health coping strategies. This is an in-depth post highlighting some ways in which to help with bad mental health days and how to start to manage them on your own.

There are so many amazing, thought-provoking posts on Morag's blog, and you can also check her out over on Twitter and Instagram too!

The Kelly Diane Report

I have been following Kelly's blog for many years now, and she was actually the reason I started blogging in the first place! This is a lifestyle blog covering so many topics, ranging from beauty to books, to fashion, food and home. You'll find lots of great product reviews over on her blog, as well as some brilliant lifestyle hacks. She has put out some amazing content over the years, but a few of my favourites are:

Products I've been using. This post has actually inspired me to have a look through my beauty products to see what I can use up. In this post Kelly gives a good overview of what products she's recently been using and a little review of each one.

Date confidently post lockdown. This is a great guide on how to get back into dating after being in lockdown for so long, with plenty of tips and ticks to get you started.

Don't forget to check her out on Twitter and Instagram too as she is very active over there!

The Unpredicted Page

Amber's blog covers so many areas, including health & beauty and lifestyle tips and tricks! She also features content on fashion, money and travel to name a few. You can also find lots of blogging help and tips over on the blog, which is great if you're a blogger yourself! I love the layout of Amber's blog and it's very aesthetically pleasing. There are so many great blog posts to have a read of, but here are a couple of my favourites:

369 manifestation method examples. This is such a great step by step guide to the 369 manifestation method, as well as some examples of how it can be used in daily life.

10 Successful manifestation methods. If you're into manifestation and the Law of Attraction, and not really sure where to start with it all, you need to give this post a read! It gives an insight into 10 methods and how they work, so you can decided which to try out/which are more suitable for you.

Amber's instagram page has one of the most beautiful feeds I've ever seen, so make sure you head over and give her a follow. She's also very active over on twitter so be sure to check her out!

And there you have it - my August advertisers! Don't forget to check out each of their blogs, because I can guarantee there'll be something for everyone.

Until next time.