In Collaboration with Causes for Animals Singapore

The third week of every September is 'Adopt A Less-Adoptable' Pet week. This year, the 19th to 25th of September will be dedicated to spreading awareness of different pets that are deemed undesirable due to their physical appearance, age, or special needs. For this special article, The Animal Welfare Station is grateful to have Causes for Animals Singapore share with us information on senior dogs and the importance of giving these old fluffs a lovely forever home. Read on to learn more! 

The average lifespan of a dog is 10 to 13 years and they are considered a 'senior' dog around 7-11 years of age, depending on their breed and size. Despite being years away from their final breath, dogs aged five to eight have been found to be significantly less desirable by adopters as they have less than a 25% chance of being adopted in comparison to their younger counterparts who weigh in at 65%. 

As for Causes for Animals Singapore, approximately two senior dogs per month land up in their shelter, and 80% of all dogs get adopted. That said, the adoption rate does not apply to senior dogs who "enjoy lesser viewings and inquiries compared to younger dogs". 

Senior Dogs Aren't The Problem

Like humans, as dogs age over time, it is only natural for their energy levels to drop and for them to be less active than a teething puppy. Alongside their decreased activity is their heightened snoozing frequency, and senior dogs just aren't fun to be around anymore. Is that a problem? Well, it shouldn't be.

While senior dogs may be less active, they are still a bundle of joy to be around. Having been through thick and thin, senior dogs are often trained and have established personalities. Additionally, senior dogs know humans. Their familiarity with the human-dog bond provides an instant boost that allows them to trust you as soon as you prove to be an individual deserving of their trust. As highlighted by Christine Bernadette, co-founder of Causes for Animals Singapore, this adaptability coupled with their fixed temperaments are characteristics that make senior dogs the perfect one! Although some senior dogs may experience medical problems, this should not be an excuse as any animal, regardless of age, will require a form of medical attention in one way or another. 

Senior dogs aren't the problem, humans are. While the senior dogs in Causes for Animals Singapore are mostly street and unwanted factory dogs, accompanying the increase in demand for puppies is the rising numbers in the unwanted pet population. Apart from abandoning their pets when they realise that they are incapable of caring for an animal, many pet owners give up their pets when their pets grow older as they have lost their 'puppy charm'.

As observed by Causes for Animals Singapore, the desirability of a dog is based on human perception, not the characteristics of the dog. When asked what are some of the reasons behind this perceived Christine says that reasons can range from health issues to "the idea that [the dog] will die sooner, and humans enjoy lesser time with them or do not want to go through a death". 

Why Adopt a Senior Dog

Adopting a senior dog does not only give an innocent life a chance at having a cozy forever home, it also opens up spaces for shelters to take in other strays or abandoned animals which may require dire help. Additionally, by adopting a senior dog, you are fighting the good fight against the rising unwanted pet population. As more and more people patronise backyard breeders and pet shops, you can help by giving these 'undesirable' pets a new home. 

Additionally, given that senior dogs tend to have lower energy levels than a hyperactive puppy, senior dogs are "perfect for those with busy 9 to 5 jobs", says Christine.

Wrapping up this article, animals regardless of size, characteristic or age are deserving of love and affection. One simply cannot forget the fact that dogs were domesticated by humans for companionship. As such, the human race is responsible for caring and loving these precious animals. In the words of Christine, "senior dogs blend right into your lifestyle and make wonderful ideal companions." We hope that our collaboration article with Causes for Animals Singapore has brought you more insights into senior dog welfare, and that we can be one step closer to breaking the stigma that senior dogs are undesirable.

Head over to look at some successful adoption stories from Causes for Animals Singapore –– @sataydreamsofsushi and @zorro.foster.home

Watch this space for a community sharing post on another group of 'less-adoptables' –– pets with special needs. 

The Animal Welfare Station would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Causes for Animals Singapore for providing us with valuable information and insights on senior dogs and what it means to help them. Causes for Animals Singapore is an animal welfare charity that aims to support the needs of local animals in Singapore. They aim to make Singapore a stray free country and have been doing so by working with government organisations to promote humane solutions for the stray population. To learn more about Causes for Animals Singapore, head over to their website!

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