Okay, for Yom Kippur, I skipped the 25 hour fast and promised myself some atonement without it. Pretty sacrilegious. 🤷‍♀️

So besides mulling over mistakes I've made in my life and things I've said that I regret, I didn't have much time to atone. Thursday was another day of many hats: I stayed busy without feeling overworked.

I talked to some friends of a friend who died. An elusive cat was left on the estate. Another mutual friend doesn't really feel the cat is suffering, and could "go with the sale of the place". I am inclined to agree. There have been a number of people feeding this animal, including me.

I set a cat trap this afternoon for cat "Belle". This has become a personal challenge, and I can be stubborn. But I made a decision that if I haven't caught the cat within a day or so, I'm giving up. I do not have time, energy or even interest in running back and forth. I might be trying to save a pet that does not need saving.

* footnote to the above… I went back in late afternoon and retrieved the cat trap, which had only been there a few hours. I argued briefly with someone else who was visiting the estate and meeting other people there for other reasons. It was a sort of stalemate: I said that I was going to lose sleep over setting a trap that I was unable to check several times per day. I don't need to be the heroine here, to "win" this one. 🤷‍♀️


Last night, I put the word out in Facebook to sell the last of the potatoes. I'd been trying to sneak bucketfuls into my pet customers' vehicles. Then I thought: why not sell them and buy, say … meat? 😉

We already have more than a year's worth in the freezer: chopped, mashed, potatoes Duchess, chowder base, etc.. My dear husband is worried about never having a baked potato again, and I will ensure that does not happen. He feels we should try to store some, and I can do that too.

Within a few minutes, sixty pounds of potatoes were spoken for. I'll be digging more potatoes today! 🤦‍♀️


I need to provide a "spa date" for Casey before she goes home. There are new boarders who will be groomed while here, but this isn't urgent. I might actually get a couple more hours in the garden.

I'm trying to keep in mind that it's still September. I have felt such a sense of urgency, but, truth be known, some produce can handle a degree or two of frost. The greenhouse is harvested of tomatoes. Cabbages and kalettes can handle the fall temperatures.

But I must get on with the pet care and the digging of potatoes.

Love, Ann

This dog came for just an introductory stay for a few hours. He barked almost non stop at first, then settled in. I said I would have Lupo back.
Mount Robson is also settling in for the winter.

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