
My words will prayerfully have a positive impact for a very long time,

Every word doesn't have to rhyme,

Every word does have meaning,

The simplicity of my words at times does not match the sophistication of the thoughts in my mind,

Positivity is what I preach,

Positivity is what I want and search for,

I'm still human and my words also reflect pain and sorrow at times,

I pray I'll never get tired of writing and talking about Love,

Love for God and myself,

How I see happiness as wealth,

I want my words to live on for eternity,

Not to be famous,

Not for recognition,

I want my words to be seen as art,

Art from the heart of a poet who wants to please God even though he is a sinner,

Words from a person that believes that every single breath he takes makes him a winner,

My Words

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