Welcome, welcome everyone! ๐Ÿฆ‰

Here is the very first look of the upcoming Harry Potter fan art of Lupin's werewolf transformation scene from the third novel, The Prisoner of Azkaban! For those who are new readers, I have posted an topic last week, sharing my drawings and sketches of Remus Lupin turned into a werewolf, going from old to new drawings, after changing the designs of the werewolf appearance. Towards the end of it, I announced that I'll be working on full fan art of the werewolf transformation, it'll be done in six illustrative drawings, and will posted here by October 31st. This will be a new Halloween art project to work on this year. If you haven't seen any of my werewolf drawings, and/or missed the topic, you can find it in the link down below at the end of the topic.

In the first part of the project update, you will get to see the actual main drawings that'll be part of the full fan art project, but in rough drawings that'll illustrate each scene from chapter 20 in The Prisoner of Azkaban. Each drawings are drawn on Autodesk SketchBook, so they will be fully done in digital drawing medium. And also, each drawing you'll be seeing will be in chorological order, so it'll follow scene by scene directly from the book by J.K. Rowling. At the end of the topic, you'll also find an art gallery of all of the rough drawings.

I hope you all will enjoy the drawings, and just as exciting for the project as much as I am. It's one of my favorite scenes from Harry Potter, and now, I get to work on doing fan art illustrations for the very first time. I think this gonna be a very fun Harry Potter fan art project to work on, especially having to work on as a new Halloween artwork, so that's very exciting. Although it might be a lot of hard work, but it'll still be lots of fun, even that's based on things that you've love, and that's an awesome opportunity, as an artist and cartoonist.

Enjoy the drawings!

First Illustrative Sketch: Coming of the Full Moon

In this first drawing out of the six, as the transformation is about to begin, illustrates Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Ron Weasley are all chained up in manacles to keep an eye on Peter, in case if he tries to escape by transforming back into a rat. Up there, they spotted the clouds drifting away, and above the night sky, the full moon appears. Not good! ๐Ÿ˜จ

'A cloud shifted. There were suddenly dim shadows on the ground. Their party was bathed in moonlight.' (Chapter 20, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Drawn at scale size 1540 x 1080.

Second Illustrative Sketch: The Transformation Begins

We moved to the second drawing that illustrates a scene in The Prisoner of Azkaban. After the appearance of the full moon seen above the gothic night sky, everyone sees Lupin starting to shaking uncontrollably, and they realized that he is about to transform into a werewolf. Without the Wolfsbane potion made by Snape, Lupin is not safe, and therefore he'll become a fully dangerous werewolf.

'Harry could see Lupin's silhouette. He had gone rigid. Then his limbs began to shake.

"Oh, my - Hermione gasped. "He didn't take his potion tonight! He's not safe!"

"Run," Sirius whispered. "Run. Now."

But Harry couldn't run. Ron was chained to Pettigrew and Lupin. He leapt forward but Sirius caught him around the chest and threw him back.' (Chapter 20, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

It was important to draw Lupin, having his body constantly shaking, so you can see that the werewolf transformation is starting; not only was important to draw from the exact dialogue in the novel, but also to show you that Lupin, while he's transforming, is feeling that severe pain running in his body, which you can see the little lines added into the drawing, as how he described his transformations from chapter 18. You'll noticed that Peter Pettigrew is in drawing 1 and 2, and you just saw my drawing version of Peter for the first time. Of course, it was really important to add Peter into the drawings since he is seen in the transformation scene, as well as being part of the source material.

Down below, you'll also find my very first sketch of the character drawn in pencil on paper. Since Pettigrew is described as rat-like, I had to draw him as human, but showing some features that can make him rat-like. For example, the teeth, and the little rounded nose.

Drawn at 1540 x 1080, horizontal.

Peter Pettigrew Drawing Sketch:

Third Illustrative Sketch: Sirius Comes and Protects The Trio

Moving on to the third drawing, which is definitely one of the most scariest moments in Harry Potter, where we see Sirius blocking away from Lupin, while transforming into a werewolf, so he can protect Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as well as Lupin himself. If you have read the topic on the Werewolf Lupin, and if we go back to it, I shared my first experience on the werewolf transformation from watching the movie of The Prisoner of Azkaban, back when I first saw it on the big screen as a little kid in 2004, and it really terrified me watching Lupin going through this intensive pain, and suddenly transforming from human to a werewolf done in those amazing CG effects. I even shared you all one of the early drawings, which was the first drawing of the transformation scene. It's a caricatured from the movie with David Thewlis and Gary Oldman playing Lupin and Sirius, but drawn in my own animation style. This one, as you can see, is the second version of the old pencil sketch, but drawn in different poses, and it's much better than how I drew it from two years ago.

'"Leave it to me - RUN!"

There was a terrible snarling noise. Lupin's head was lengthening. So was his body. His shoulders were hunching. Hair was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which were curling into clawed paws. Crookshanks' hair was on end again; he was backing away - ' (Chapter 20, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Drawn at 1400 x 1080, horizontal.

Fourth Illustrative Sketch: Werewolf Howls at the Full Moon

Next up is Lupin, now already turned into a werewolf, howling at the full moon above the night sky, after the transformation is complete. I don't think that was actually in the book, but I wanted to add that into the whole fan art illustrations, only to show you that the transformation is finished, and Lupin has become a werewolf. The only thing that was added on it was from the 2004 movie, with a fully CG animated werewolf, portraying very realistic. This werewolf really scared me as a kid, and it doesn't terrified me much anymore as an adult. But I can still feel the intensity every time I watch that scene in the film, and also feeling sorry for Lupin from the way he suffered since he was bitten as a little boy, and I appreciated the animation, for me to speak as an animator myself.

Back to the previous topic, I did a rough sketch in pen of the werewolf howling at the full moon from last year, when I was still kind of having a bit of hard time in designing of Lupin's werewolf appearance; however, the important part of drawing the werewolf was to make it very, very realistic than just making it cartoony, so I can't do that. With realistic details, that'll make the design a lot better. I did use that drawing as kind of using for a model to draw the werewolf howling at the full moon, but I also used one of the pictures from Google of a real wolf howling, so that way the drawing can portrayed with realism.

On Google, wolves howl so they can communicate with the pack from the long distance, even in case they have to alert the pack for any signs of danger, such as predators.

Drawn at 1080 x 1580, vertical.

Fifth Illustrative Sketch: Peter Pettigrew Escapes as a Rat

Going to drawing five, illustrating a scene with Peter Pettigrew's escape...as a rat. After Sirius transforms into a dog and fights the werewolf to protect Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Peter picks up Lupin's wand to freeze Ron and Crookshanks to be free from being trapped in the manacles, and run away as a rat to return to Lord Voldemort. But Harry stops Pettigrew, and consequently, Pettigrew transforms back into a rat, and escapes through scurrying off into the grass, and never seen again.

'"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled, pointing his own wand at Pettigrew; Lupin's wand flew high into the air and out of sight. "Stay where you are!" Harry shouted, running forward.

Too late. Pettigrew had transformed. Harry saw his bald tail whip through the manacle on Ron's outstretched arm and heard a scurrying through the grass.' (Chapter 20, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

You'll really noticed that this drawing is the only one shown with a full background layout, while the others have the background layout faded down a bit, but you can still see it a bit. The reason why the background layout in this drawing was not faded was because so you can see Ron's hand laying on the grass, as much as Scabber's tail running through the grass. I'll still paint the layout in a separate copy as a full background painting, but might use the rough drawings from a separate layer, so I'll know which parts of the detail needs to be added on, including for shadows and lighting. I will say drawing the grass in the drawing was a bit of a challenge, but I think it works well enough.

Drawn at 1080 x 1410, vertical.

Sixth Illustrative Sketch: The Fight Between Dog and Werewolf (Sirius vs. Lupin)

And finally, we move on to the sixth out of the six drawings, and here we see Sirius, already transformed into a dog, and Lupin, as a werewolf, fighting each other, so Sirius can protect the trio, but also trying to stop and control Lupin for not able to harm and possibly trying to kill any of the kids, including Snape. That was amazing fight scene in the movie as well, and I do remember being terrified by the fight scene as a little kid. Sometimes you do need a good scare, because not only you're worrying for Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Snape, but you're also worrying about Sirius, and you don't know if he's gonna survive from the fight. But you do know he cares for Lupin, and unfortunately, Lupin can't control his mind as a werewolf, and can't remember any one whom he knew, when he's turned into a fully fledged monster.

'As the werewolf reared, snapping its long jaws, Sirius disappeared from Harry's side. He had transformed. The enormous, bearlike dog bounded forward. As the werewolf wrenched itself free of the manacle binding it, the dog seized it about the neck and pulled it backward, away from Ron and Pettigrew. They were locked, jaw to jaw, claws ripping at each other - ' (Chapter 20, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

Drawing the fight scene was really tough to work on, only because as an artist, you're trying to visualize in your head and putting much realism into the artwork as possible as you can, but consequently, it's hard to express it into the paper or in digital drawing. It wasn't until I was experimenting from lightly sketching on one character at a time, letting myself draw the right pose, and then detailing, I think I came across to keep this drawing the way it is, and I think it looks really good that way.

Drawn at 1505 x 1080, horizontal.

That's all of the drawings of Lupin's transformation scene, and I will keep you all updating on this project. Next time, I'll be showing you all the drawings in clean-up form, taking the rough drawings and drawn each into nicely, smooth lines with shadows. If you have any comments or questions about this upcoming project, please share them in the comment box down below. I have a new artwork I'll be sharing you as a new topic coming soon by next Wednesday on September 22nd. If you want to get notified for any more of the topics, including for the second update on this project, you can subscribe and follow this blog at The Autistic Animator's Desk. I will be sharing the drawings on social media, so I'm on both Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks, everyone! Take care, and see you next time! Stay tuned for the project update #2! ๐Ÿ™‚

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