Happy April! Are you ready for more writing? Whether you are an avid journal writer or just beginning, check out the following journal writing prompts for April.

Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com
  1. How did March go for you? Your family? Work? Community? List all your highs and lows from last month.
  2. List your April goals.
  3. Who is the one person in your life who can always make you laugh? Describe this person.
  4. What is your secret guilty pleasure?
  5. Write about your favorite childhood memory. Why does this one stick out over the rest?
  6. List your personal strengths. How do you use them in your daily life?
  7. What book or movie impacted you the most? Why?
  8. Write 10 words to describe yourself. Why did you pick these words? Go into detail.
  9. What is causing you stress or anxiety right now? Why? And, what can you do to alleviate the situation?
  10. Free write for 15 minutes.
  11. What is your biggest fear?
  12. Write about your entire day from the point of view of a fly on the wall.
  13. What do you do for yourself? List at least 5 self-care habits.
  14. Who is the one person you trust the most? Why?
  15. What do you hope for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community for the rest of 2022?
  16. What 3 things would you tell your younger self? Why?
  17. Happy Easter! How did you spend your day?
  18. Fast forward to your 95th birthday. What have you accomplished?
  19. Make an action plan to be the person you want to be.
  20. How do you feel about the current news events? What ones worry you the most? What brings you hope?
  21. Do you feel like the victim or hero of your own story? Why?
  22. It's Earth Day! What are you doing to help the environment? What areas could you improve?
  23. What kinds of nature or wildlife do you like to watch? Why?
  24. When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Why?
  25. What 5 things did you have to learn the hard way?
  26. Describe a current accomplishment.
  27. What areas of your life could use more organization? Why?
  28. Write about your last vivid dream.
  29. If you were given 3 wishes, what would you pick? Why?
  30. Writer's Choice

Happy April! Happy Writing!