This Sunday will be the first of two Gift Sundays for Church Gate, our new building. Church Gate is an amazing resource we've been entrusted with by God, and now we need to step up and fulfil our responsibility: we need to get it ready to serve our children, our youth and the many people who are in need across our town.
We talked all about this last Sunday, so if you missed what was said (or want to hear it again 🙂) please click below to listen:
I won't talk in this blog about numbers and how much we're looking to raise this time, instead I simply want to encourage participation by us all. Let's each take some time to pray and ask God what he wants us to do, and then let's step out in FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.
A Hand Up
By the way, if you don't yet understand why the Foodbank in Woking is so busy and why what we are doing with Church Gate is so necessary for people in our town, check out this BBC news article. This is Woking. This is part of our town, and it's not the only area with problems.
Let's get the grocery and cafe done and let's crack on with all the social action we'll be building around them. God's heart is for the poor, and I believe Jesus has lots of people he wants to reach through us as we give them "a hand up, not a hand out".
Of course Church Gate is also going to be key for our children and our young people too. Let's go for this together. When we look back in years to come it will be so good to be able to say, "I played my part in making that happen". What a great investment in God's kingdom!
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