Today's Guidance comes from the Angels & Auras Oracle by Radleigh Valentine & Dougall Fraser. Illustrations by Brooke Stefanelli. Interpretation by Debrah Rose
Law of Attraction
Here on Gaia the way things 'work' is through the law of attraction, or in other words, you attract where you are at. What you focus on is what you are going to create for yourself. This comes in with the suggestion to look at where you have been sending your energy, what you are creating. Are you manifesting what you desire? If not it is time to change your focus.
When you focus on the good, when you are positive you attract more good into your life. Even when things are challenging, it isn't that life is out to get you, there is always a silver lining to look for. Usually you will find that the challenge was really of great assistance helping you master your next step forward.
The gold and green rays are here to assist you with this. The green ray connects you to your heart and strengthens your love vibration. The gold ray assists in turning any vision into reality. Be clear with your visioning, and embrace your hearts vision.
As always, take what resonates with you and discard what does not.
* Legal Notice: All content © Debrah Rose 2024 all rights reserved.
Roses (aquamarine, tigers eye, gold sheen obsidian, amethyst,
aquatine lemurian calcite) sourced from
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